Wednesday, June 20, 2018

√ Hybridization Rice Plant

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundRice is a crop such as grass berumpun. Ancient agricultural crops from two continents, Asia and the West African sub-tropical and tropical. Historical evidence shows that rice cultivation in Zhejiang (China) was started in the year 3000 BC. Fossils of grain and grain found in Hastinapur Uttar Pradesh India around 100-800 BC. Besides China and India, some of the areas of origin of rice is Northern Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam (BPP Technology).Efforts assembly rice varieties in Indonesia aimed at creating high yielding varieties and in accordance with the conditions of the ecosystem, social, cultural, and public interest. Along with the development of social and economic conditions, demand for the type of varieties produced are different (Susanto et al, 2003). Till the 1970s, kegiatan development rice varieties with more emphasis on the improvement of local varieties, especially to shorten the life of the plant, so that in one year to do the harvest two to three times.To anticipate the surge in demand for rice in the present and future, improved grain yield potential is absolutely necessary. Being a real breakthrough assembly rice varieties for the future is the development of a new type of hybrid rice and (Daradjat et al in Susanto et al, 2003).1.2 PURPOSEThe paper plant breeding "rice" aims to find out:- A brief history and the type of rice plants- Benefits of rice plants and Senrta- Terms growth and guidance rice cultivation- Harvest and post harvestCHAPTER IIDISCUSSION2.1 Definition of riceRice (Oryza sotiw L.) is a semiaquatic grass, [which] are possible throughout the year at the foot hills of the Himalayas and the mountains touch the mountain include in (the) Parts southeast Asia and South America. A second / second plant species, glaberrima Steud., About minoi significance, [which] may originatcd in the Niger Delta of West African rivers (Lu and Pendudu, 1978). Rice is now rooted around 137 million ha (in) more than 100 countries, [which] mostly on (the) line and subtropics and predominantlf back in (the) Asia, several million hectares planted in (the) regional air being up to a limit of 53 'Lat. Rice is the main staple food of more than 1.3 billion (Am.) people and is an important part of the diet of more than hall / auditorium LHE rvorld's population2.2 MATERIAL RELATING TO PARENTSType it has about 23 species of Oryza well formulated (Chatterjee, 1948; Sampath, 1962), but only two planted, Oryza glaberrima rooted in a limited area (in) Africa. The main types of cultivation, Oryza saliva, are grouped into three types Varietal: indicas, who (which) dominate in (the) tronics and subtropics; japonicas, grows only in the (in) [a] Subtropic and warm / a cool head and j4vanicas, found mostly in the (in) Indonesia.
Sampath (1966) Rice are divided into four series. Planted rice which belongs to the series Sativae (which) includes O.perennr Moench, O.Nivara Sharma et Shastry, O.breviligulata A. Cheval. et Roehr, and O.glaberrima, as it is O. sativa complex. khush (1975) discuss the interrelationships in the-series. Oryza sariva was angry at ill lainnyaanggota (concerning) the series Sativae, but F,, S is often sterile. Nereiitreless, stunt virus resistance full of grass, the Philippines and elsewhere.2.3 CULTURE PLANTSa. Field
Minimize land inundated normarty nutritionar (l 976) mendiskusikapraktek sesuai.Beras production cultivars rotatory widery in (the) seniitivas to photoperiod and tempera-ture 'maximum. plant]; tength day oi about tb hour is. Longer days may delay or impede the flowering, depending on the sensitivity of the cultivar. Highry iensitive conrinuousry grown under lingth day. culrivars sensitive varies from r) b i4 hoirs and aepenas oii tnJiJira. or origin (Vergara and Pendudu, 1976).b. Place pertuimbuhan (Greenhouse)The best planting medium is taken directly from the land and maintain the flooded rice paddies to minimize probtems about nutrition. In the moist soil. The seeds will meet nutritionat requirementt or seedlings after flooding (which) is ir Jeficiency should symptoms develop.- RiceDuring which would pranr photoinducri'e photoinducri'e resDond to cycle, running from 14-63 required ro affect flowering, depending on Pendudu, 1976). Rice rotatory extensively (in) sensitivity to temperaturv affect anthesis and seed sowing Chandraralna Adair (1961) report that summarized the [upper] limit remperature air-tor anthesis. He also reported that happen antheiis coverage 40 / to] 9590 with a maximum at 70 to gooo. Noguchi (t9: 6j speci-fied 30 C and humidity retarive 8090 [as / when] ideat ROR nyirriaiiaiiin. Vosrriaa
(1977) specified22C [as / when] temperature [which] are critically low for anilrerir, will be 36
[Such as the; while] the critical high temperature, and 30 [for / to] 3 j C [as / when] the maximum amount that.

2.4 CHARACTERISTICS OF RICE FLOWERRice is a crop of self-poilinated, arthough some ourcrossing ([a] less usuaily
than I 9o) occurs (Beacheil et ar., l93g). Meiosis occurs aeration tt "uoot
step around rhe frost when the leaves are auricles.of rhe.flag opiosite [is]
chambers of the heart / outer ear ol [is] lower ne.rr reaf. Srage is follou, id uy. r "rg!, ie (related) panicle, * 'hich brings perfecr developing (in). consists of dik stamens, each consisting of:
associated with a firamenr trim, and an attached pistir contains.
-style disability to bring a branch featherl. fully developed flower.2.5 Hybridization ARTIFICIAL AND SELF-pollination2.6.1 EquipmentThe equipment needed varies with the method used, but may includea thermos bottle or a hot shower / bath on, scissors (smair, sharp / clear, poiniei, and [of] [the] quality), good pliers ([which] is not sharp / clear), a vacuum emarcuiatbr, a bench andan apron with pockets or a smalr box [which] contains a pencil, the future x I5 cm), paper clips, pens that feel, put in a pot Labis, anaetikel- Rice
SIDC showing the pouch with THC parents (regarding) the cross pollination date the inside and out. S'Ith pot lemale [factory / plant] is placed in (in) a statue is protected from wind, rain and pests, but with kindness exposure to sunlight. if pollen is not available or is instrfficient in terms unlavorable conditions, planting MA5, powdered under [top] subscqucnt ntornings defect that causes emasuulated spikclets usualll '. REMAIN willing to accept for the 4 [for / to] 5 days. This Abilitl pollinate later is a advantaee attenuation [by / with] clipping newspapers / magazines. if pollination should bc carried on (in) the field or in (the) other circumstances exist ntovement apprcciable air bags, can be made lrom dialysis tuhing of a smaller diameter than the glassine bags used in females, and they were placed on the male at anthesis, male pouch cut from the plant remains intact, placed in (in) a box, and move the bitch. Peak glassine bags, in females it panicle pinning, and blos'ing into the form of a cilinder. One male panicles removed from the box, the maintenance of [it] on the (in) a horizontal position. the top end was held dorvnu'ind Otthe panicle bag, then [it] pinched off / start and gently shapcd into a circular format. Panicle male was placed into the pouch bag containing her panicle, hold the rod above fcnrale, and for a make pollen. tube is strong and lightweight, and is ideal to protect the female panicles in sowing seed.2.6.2 FACTORS AFFECTING EFFICIENCY
Floucring seed irreversible manipulation of temperature and photoperiod. A common and practical florvering have to plant the seed, rice requires perawata Darkroom. At IRRI, a hybridization block tearing planted seeds in, A singte every hill seedlings grafted on (in) the story line I x 2 m to 20 x 20 cm a set distance. Sometimes valuable plant growing directly from seed in pots. Rice is unique among small grains inside with ease. from panicle initiation to manhood. New steering flower stalk;'s from nodal primordia and u'ill florver in (the) 25 [for / to] 30 days after the original panicles cut. Ratooning ability is a cultivar characteristics to some degree. Ratoon panicles, although [a] sufficient to cut, always smaller and less desirable.Khush (1975) listed and described traits that are controlled by the well-known rice genes. draftsman / rubber stamp [who] used to identify hybrid includes dominant tall plant height, anthocyanin production (dominant), earliness, presence of awns, glabrous leaves pressed and endosperm of wax. Draftsman / marker other useful sometimes tinged apiculi (dominant), clustered spikelets (dominant), gold glove / wrap (pressed / latent), and spikelet shape (wider dominant). The fact that F, hybrid steering shaft needs at least as well as parents who Heavier-tillering may be used to confirm the hybrid, [are] especially when the kind of tall (generally lower steering shaft) is used as a female.As the flowers start blooming morning setelahe maskulasi, a bloompanicles of male parent was cut and brought to the panicle gelding, butnot pollinated, the., iigma * remairis receptive for 4 or 5 days, but revenue drops at an exponential rate after the first day. Pollenbiasanya remain viable for a very short time after anther dehiscence (Jodan, 1938), probably less than 5 minutes under most conditions. However, Chandraratna (1964) cites Noguchi (1931) and Nogutidan Hamada (1927) who reported nonspecified eligibility conditions for the temperature at 50o and other environmental factors may determine the period of pollination, although Akemine (1914) and Terada (1928) re- ported that the time is generally about 42 hours. Cho (1955) found that fertilization completed within 3 hours after pollination.When flowers bloom varies between locations and, to a lesser extent,between cultivars. Pollination should be attempted only during periods dehiscencean terpuncak, usually around, 2 hours each day. This peak usually occurs in mid to late morning and tropical areas around midday in temperate regions.
Pollination techniques vary among breeders danbergantung,to some extent, on the local conditions and facilities. The steps and key points of the procedure used in 1RRI described below.Women potted plants arranged for easy access during polli nation. A large circle or semi-circle is usually best. emasculated panicle anthers examined for any who might have left and cut back any small interest in which a small opening. If two panicles on the same plant is pollinated by a male be the same, they are united by wrapping two rods all with a glassine bag and tie with a clip. Other bags were placed over both panicle. Pollen collected juice? before anther dehiscence. Intersection tag should have compiled and categorized by the male parent. There should be at least one male tassel for each tag. Panicles of healthy plants that elected representatives will have a large number of buds undergo anther dehiscence (indicated by a few buds at the top of the anther). The stem is cut to a comfortable length under the panicle and flag leaf removed. Panicles from each male parent are fastened together with a rubber band. Appropriate tag attached to each group of panicles and stems cut to a uniform length. Rod is placed in a container of water to transport pollination. Malai male was placed in a pot filled with water, the rods immersed, in the center of the circle where the female plant's minimal air movement and easy access. The panicles are arranged in such a way that no one can be removed without Malai are closely watched for anther extrusion and pollination will as soon as possible. It is important to work quickly to take advantage of the period of maximum pollen production. To apply pollen, a glassine bag is removed from the females, blooming tassel and it is removed from the shell-shocked females (Fig. 5).B. Preparation Female
Rice ready to emaskulasi when panicles are from 50 to t> 0%emerged from the boot (Fig. 1). Individual flowers are ready for emasculation after the appearance of the boot and before the flowers bloom. In the tropics, emaskulasi should not be attempted until the blooms have stopped for the day, usually in mid-afternoon. In temperate climates, can emaskulasi perterbentuk either early morning or late afternoon. The optimal time for pollination emaskulasi and can best be determined by observasition and experience in each location. Chandraratna (1964, p 52) times the sum marizes bloom (early-peak-end) reported 18 locations in 10 countries. Emaskulasi hot water method is widely practiced diJepang (Matsubayashi et al, 1965.). The panicles were soaked for at least 5 minutes in water held at a constant temperature of 43oC and then pollinate 30 to 60 minutes. Each Kelet before it opened disconnected. The water temperature is critical. A thermos bottle is a container that is usually the most convenient, but not essential. This method is relatively slow and pollen must be available to introduce kekuncup before they close. If the pollen is of no use, which must be cut or forcibly reopened later. Emaskulasi technique is the simplest and most efficient spikelets clips and remove the remaining anthers with forceps or vacuum. Some breeders prefer a combination of the above techniques. The procedure used diIRRI described below. Selection of cultivars to be castrated depending on the kegiatan objectives. A list showing the number of panicle is going gelding. One or two were distributed to single cross, seven forbackcross or topcross, and for a double cross. Individuals selected plants healthy and safe representation of cultivars or lines. The mud around the base of the plant is cut with a knife or sickle and the plant is removed from the plot. The plant is characterized by the number of allotment and this plot.Tanaman ground and water and this should be completed at least 6 hours before emaskulasi to allow recovery from wilting a bit which may occur.
Malai selected individuals, prefdably those 50 to 60%appeared (Fig. 1). In some cultivars, especially the dwarf type, panicle maydid not reach 50% before the advent of the blooming begins. Malai musttaken, but the success rate will be low due to desiccation ofnew open tender spikelets. Selected panicles separated from rounding that makes it easy to move back mengebiri.daun flag carefully to avoid breaking the stem. All that has been pollinated florets at the top of the panicles are cut off with scissors. Such Spikelets appear translucent and often have anther attached to the outside. Young buds of the lower panicle height of anther in which less than half of the small flowers are also cut. Approximately one-third to one-half of any remaining florets cut curved ex filed anther (Fig. 2). If the anthers must be removed with pliers, some breeders prefer to cut straight little interest in each and through most or all of the anther. Sligma could be hurt if the cut is too low. If the cut is too high, emaskulasi difficult and impossible pollen reaches the stigma. Anther issued with either forceps or vacuum with pliers, the end of one branch is used to gently press the anther to the small flowers and take them out (Fig. 3). Extreme caution should be used to avoid damage to the stigma, and to ensure that all six anthers removed. If a vacuum is used, the suction was adjusted to about 500 mm Hg (Chapter 6). Excessive suction can damage the stigma. The tip is touching the extractor for small flowers and gently move up to the sound of air flow is interrupted by anther extracted (Fig. 4). All six anthers should be moved back. After all florets on a panicle is a gelding, and one dated emascupen initials marked on the bag with a felt pen or wax pencil. A bag is placed on top of the panicle, the lower edge is folded over, and paper clips are placed in the crease of the rod to hold it securely in place.Consistent use of interpreters stamp to identify specific genes may lead to a commercial hybrid cultivars with the same cytoplasm. For example, the first rice developed by IRRI is almost exclusively as females in the following because of the high dominant tall. As a result all of IRRI cultivars, many IRRI cultivars are bred form of the name in the rice-growing countries, and many cultivars developed from the national breeding kegiatan samc Have cytoplasm, of the cultivar 'Chinese.'2.6 Hybridization NATURALCross-pollination is experienced in rice cultivation (Beachell: 1938) which norrully lesions than LGO (Virmani and Athwal, 1973). males have been reported in rice (Shinjyo and Omura, 1966; Erickson, 1969; Athwal and Virmani, 1972; Li, 1977), but the attacking male-sterile seed [plants, even when they were surrounded by the kindness of pollinators (Stansel and braigmiles, 1966; Athwal and Virmani, 1972; Carrrahan, 1972) Virrnani and Athwal (1973.1974), which investigated the character associated with the inftuence outcrossing rate, but the system for hybridisasi [a] natural living [that] is not satisfactory to / for practical purposes. Called hybrid rice cultivars planted on a large scale in the People Republic of China / ceramic inside, 1977. cytoplasmic genetic male-sterility is emjloyea in (the) crossbred sow production, but naturally & strpplemented try crossin pollination and were added by cutting leaves and tore the flag leaf sheath protector insert that panicle.2.7 DEVELOPMENT OF SEED, HARVEST, AND STORAGEIf pollination is successful, the ovaries need to begin to swell within 3 or 4 days. In-Set Sied must be at least 5090 and often also higher if the technique is that the seed is mature when it cross the green loscs 25 days of pollination. panicles cut, seed was hand-threshed, and gtume remnants that survive on the basis of 'seeds he sowed the seeds removed and placed naked counted (in) a small envelope marked with the goals of both parents and the number of seeds that are not perfect cross cover (involving ) developing the seed by pinning giumes resulted viabli, but abnorinally sometimei shaped seeds that are more sleep than grain [a] (concerning) the bride's parents. by / with placement seedi on (in) a dry air panggangan for about 7 days at 50 to 55 C '. Ciossea seldr stored in (in) a cotd room or refrigerator until they become '. erminated to produce their menanam.Sebab irive no (no) [which] includes a protective, hybrid seeds-it may be attacked by fungi and other organisms during germination. lt is best to surface-sterilize the seeds and then germinate in a sterile petri dish. Immediately after germination, before the root ertangle, seedlings should be transferred to land flat heels.2.8 TECHNIQUES FOR SPECIAL SITUATIONSNo reflcrences found on the use of hormones or grafting techniques in rice. such as using the IRRI 'Anj waranabe Watanabe ioga trs75) embrl'o culture used in (the) interspecific in connectioninitt. Deveioped at the root stalk stalk tree / swollen veins of the lowest and harvest it.

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