Monday, June 18, 2018

√ Vegetative Propagation Of Citrus

1.1 BACKGROUNDPlant propagation can be done in generative and vegetative. Propagation is vegetative propagation of plants using vegetative organs such as the stems of plants that have side shoots (aksilar / lateral) and buds from the selected parent. Parent has chosen colors and patterns such beautiful flowers and unprecedented, leaf color varies. Then multiply the plant engineering by stem cuttings, grafting, grafting (grafting) and grafting. The end result of vegetative propagation are the seeds or plants with the selected parent or termed a photocopy or true to type. Selection of propagation on the course is also related to the purpose, if the plant requires having a variety / diversity of nature / character other than normal, then the selected generative propagation. If want plants that have similarities to the selected parent, then the dipilih.Perbanyakan vegetative vegetative propagation is necessary for crops and cultivars that do not produce seeds on a regular basis or can not produce crops buahtahunan biji.Tanaman orange is derived from a place Asia.Cinadipercaya orange tumbuh.Sejak first hundred years ago, orange has grown in Indonesia either natural or cultured. Orange crop in Indonesia is a relic of the Dutch people who bring sweet oranges and tangerines from America and Itali.Jeruk fruit is a profitable commodity for usahakan.tanaman can be grown and cultivated citrus farmers in the lowlands to high datarana varieties / species of commercial different, and can be consumed by lower-income people who earn up to tinggi.Negara Indonesia is a major citrus-producing countries the world to 13 after Vietnam.1.2 PURPOSEThe purpose of this report is: \1. To find a brief history of citrus2. To determine the classification of citrus3. To know tanman citrus seed production techniques4. To find out the problems of the citrus crop seed production5. Provide solutions and recommendations of the problems encountered in the production of citrus seed tanman
1.3 BENEFITSThe benefits of this report are:1. Can figure out how to produce seeds of citrus is good and right2. Can solve the problems facing farmers in seed production of citrus tentyang3. Can provide solutions ddan good recommendations in the citrus crop seed production problems
2.1 COMMODITY BotanyClassification of CitrusCitrus botanical classification is as follows:Division: SpermatophytaSub Division: AngiospermaeClass: DicotyledonaeOrder: RutalesFamily: RutaceaeGenus: CitrusSpecies: Citrus sp.Root tip is always composed of young cells that are constantly dividing and growing point jeruk.Keadaan root root cells is very soft, so easily damaged that penetrate hard ground and root padat.Ujung protected by the root cap (calyptra), which is part outer slimy, so the tip of the roots easily penetrate the outer covering tanah.Bagian root is easily damaged (wear), but it always overgrown by new cells again. Behind the growing point, the cells are divided on the outside would be the outer skin. Just beneath the outer skin there first and middle-middle is the center called empulur.Epidermis (outer shell) containing an array of cells and between cells that are no gaps, because these cells coincide with each other.
Citrus trees are now grown in Indonesia are round and height can reach 5-15 trunked tangerine meter.Jeruk low height 2-8 meters, irregular tree canopy, small branches, branches many, editorial and layout leafy branch trunk berpencar.Lingkar 12 - 36 cm.
Leaf shape is oval (ellipse), approximately 5-15 cm long and 2-8 cm wide. Tapered edges and are usually a little bit blunt edge berlekuk.Bagian sometimes serrated leaves smooth, not hairy on both permukaannya.Permukaan over shiny dark green with yellow dots, the lower surface pale green to dull yellowish green with dots dark green. When crushed the leaves will arise distinctive citrus aroma. Bone leaves the bottom when viewed from the bottom surface of the light green, have branches numbered 7-15 pasang.Setelah up at the edges, curved and converge into a single edge to the veins. Petiole short, half-round, the bottom light green (yellowish green), the top panel with grooves, dark green leaves that have wings inverted elongated ovoid shape (obovate-oblong), length 0.5 to 3.5 cm wide and 0.2 to 1.5 cm.Tamanan orange flowering compound out of the armpit leaves at the end of cabang.Bunga small and short-stemmed leaves little protective and smell nice. Petals oval cup shape, and there are five pieces of crown flowers with long oval shape with the tip toward the base narrowed. Pistil white spots and berkelenjar and generally bloom at the end of the dry season. Will the fruit shaped like balls with diameters from 0.15 to 0.20 cm. Fruit that has so shaped rather large, between 9-19 rooms bear the fruit base is short. Pieces of old skin color was dark green, light green, yellow, orange leather with shiny, slippery and full of pores.There citrus fruit that is round, oval (almost round), or tapering slightly memanjang.Tangkai large average fruit and fruit pendek.Kulit there are thick and resilient, but some are thin are not resilient, making the skin easy to peel dilepas.Dinding citrus fruits porous pori.Terdapat glands that contain pectin. The highest levels of pectin found in tangerine, ie 3-3.5%, higher than ith tangerine and grapefruit. Pectin content of most in the inner layer of orange peel is often called albedo.
Grapefruit seed should be planted in a state still fresh. Orange seeds had no dormancy period, when the optimal rusak.Temperatur kekeringanakan approximately 32 ° C.Dalam few days after sowing, the seeds appear orange because it absorbs water bulging.Local citrus is grown in Indonesia tangerine (Citrus reticulata / L. nobilis), orange Siem (C. microcarpa L. and C.sinensis. L) consisting atasSiem Pontianak, Siem Garut, Siem Lumajang, sweet orange (C. auranticum L. danC.sinensis L.), lemon / lemon (C. medica), grapefruit (C.maxima Herr.) yangterdiri the orange-Madium Nambangan and Bali. Oranges for seasoning yangterdiri the lime (C. aurantifolia), orange Purut (C. hystrix) and orange sauce (C.hystix ABC). Oranges introduced varieties are widely planted varieties Grapefruit.Sedangkan Lemon and local varieties are orange siem, baby orange, tangerine fields, bali, lime danpurut.
Profiles farmers in sub Dau interview are as follows:Name: H. Ahmad Sadeli Sugito (Pak. Sugito)Place, Date of Birth: Malang, March 13, 1949Home Address: Jalan. No. Mulyodadi. 1 Village Court Mulyo district. Dau district. PoorChildren: 3A brief profile of P. Sugito:
P.sugito is one of the citrus farmers in the village of Great Mulyo district. Dau district. Malang. Education last he was 5 th grade. Her early work in 1966 as a daily gardener. His life said to be less biased, because it was paid only be made to feed his family alone.
In 1980, he received an award from the local form corpi award as exemplary worker. He started dabbling in the world of seed production techniques in 1985.Pada time he worked on the company's seed as seed produsi pegawai.Beliau know the technique and apply it otodidak.Pada In 1988 he left the company and develop their own business in the field of production benih.Pada In 1989, UD Beliu make that provide a wide range of benih.Pada years 1991-1992, he founded CV. New Mulya and until now there are 5 groups generated cabang.Benih dominated by citrus plants, but there are other seeds are seeds of avocado, durian, mangosteen, etc..
Seed Production Technique is application of science to produce quality seed easily, effectively and efficiently. By another definition of seed production techniques is a way to facilitate the procurement of human seed seed murahtanpa sacrificing quality and safe for workers and the continuity of seed production in the future. Prinsipteknik seed production is produced benihbermutudengan yangmurah cost, safe, effective and efficient.Based on the type of seed Seed Production Techniques were divided into 2 groups:a. Generative Seed Production Techniques.In the generative production techniques usually done by planting seeds of commodities tersebut.Proses Formation in Plant Seeds In secual reproduction is the conception, the union of female and male cells cells (gametes). Results unification is called zigot.Zigot contains both krosom of individual males and female individuals and is the first cell of the new individual. Zygote will grow into an embryo (fetus) in the seed. When the seeds germinate plants will be grown. Since the embryo has the properties of both parents, the ability to pass on these traits through seeds from generation to generation. Flowers are an important phase in the process of seed formation. Basically the flower consists of several organs, but only two organs are involved in the formation of seeds, ie stamens (stamens) and pistil (pistil). Stamens produce pollen which each male gamete form. While the stigma will form ovules (ovulum) containing eggs. At the time of pollination, the pollen fall on the stigma, the pollen tube is formed, then fertilization takes place between sperm with eggs. End of the fertilization process is the formation of seeds. The structure of interest is very diverse, yet there are common patterns of various plants. All the flowers have the same skeletal structure. Special flower stalk is formed on the flower stalk or pedicellus.Pada apex composed of enlarged parts bunga.Salah is one part flower petals (calyx) which is usually part of this ride on leaf green petals (sepalum). Before blooming, the petals wrap the leaf is another flower. While the most prominent ang flower petals (petalum) that collectively disbeut crown (corolla). Calyx and corolla together make flower arrangements or perianth.Petal can be white, red, orange, yellow, blue and so on.b. Vegetative Seed Production Techniques- CuttingsCuttings (cutting) is a technique seek rooting and plant parts (branches, leaves, shoots and roots) containing buds by cutting from the parent to the plant, so that the new plants will be obtained. According to its shape, the cuttings can be divided into several parts include root cuttings, leaf cuttings, stem cuttings, root cuttings and cuttings shoots.Propagation by cuttings will get new plants that are like their mothers. Cuttings with its own forces will grow roots and leaves of the plant until it can be perfect and produce flowers and fruit.1. Cuttings rootCuttings root of much use on crops. We take the roots are roots that branch not far from the taproot and comes from a leafy plant. This is so that the roots have used preparations of carbohydrate, protein and fat as a reserve food from photosynthesis and as a source of energy for forming new roots.Cuttings root less familiar, so knowledge of what types of plants commonly propagated by root cuttings is also very limited. The people who live in the land of four seasons menyerbutkan that cuttings root very easily done. Many types of plants commonly propagated in this way that some plants in the form of trees, shrubs, climbing plants, perennials (perennials) and upland crops and some tree crops we already know bias propagated by root cuttings are evergreen, guava, orange tangerine, persimmon, and breadfruit.2. Stem cuttingsThe selected stems for cuttings is usually to have aged less than one year. Branches that are too old for distek certainly not good because it is difficult to establish the root so it takes a long time, while the branches are too young (soft texture) so quickly that the evaporation process of cutting into fat and eventually die.Cuttings are cuttings that uses part of the stem of the plant, some people said the branch cuttings. Generally, plants are bred with branch cuttings of woody plants. branch cuttings include branch cuttings branches are old and a half old.Widely used stem cuttings to propagate ornamental plants and fruit trees. Terms multah plants to be propagated cuttings is a must have cambium stem, branches or twigs that are ideal for cutting materials must meet the following requirements: not too old and not too young at the age of about 1 year old and plants colored trunk kehijaun healthy, ie free from pests and diseases, fertility, and not dependent state of efficiency or lack of one of the elements obtained plants, cuttings material diameter of 0.5 cm and the material should have sufficient cutting will sprout.3. Leaf cuttingsLeaf cuttings are breeding with the maturation of a leaf from the parent plant with the intention of seeking the roots of the leaves, leaf cuttings diterapakan on many ornamental plants succulent, fleshy leaves lebal and water content is too high. Leaf cuttings are selected for this must have been quite old and have a high karbahidrat and should be green.Propagation by leaf cuttings is to use a leaf complete with stems, whereas in other plants such as begonia leaf propagated without tangkai.tanaman sukuren that have large leaves, which is more than 10 cm long, can be propagated by leaf cutting horizontally into sections -sections.- ConnectConnecting (grating) is one of the vegetative propagation, which combines the rootstock and the upper stem of the plant is different farms in a way that achieved the combination compound and this will continue to grow to form new plants. Splicing requires absolute batng rod up and down. Rootstock often called STOCK STOCK or Rook or ENDERSTAM. The characteristics of the rootstock is still equipped with the root stem. While the rods that connect the often called ENTRIES or SCION. The stem or stems can be biiasa also stems still on the parent tree.This grafting technique we used to apply for multiple purposes that make superior seedlings, repair damaged parts and also to assist the growth of plants. By making the connection we expect that the seeds that we produce superior plant origin (lower and upper stem stem).Grafting or graft (grafting) is merging two different parts of the plant such that it is a coherent whole and grow as satutanaman after scar tissue regeneration in the connection or linkage. The bottom (which has roots) receiving a connection called rootstock (rootstock or understock) or often called stock.The plants that are connected or called the stem (scion) and a piece of stem that has more than one bud eye (entres), either the top or side shoots shoots. Rootstock grafting and the stem is usually done between the two varieties of plants that are still in the same species. For example, switching between varieties of plants durian.Kadang can sometimes also be switching between two different plant species, but still in one famili.Tanaman mango (Mangifera indica) plant premises connected kweni (Mangifera odorata).- DuckingVegetative propagation by ducking, often called the land of graft, graft duck, or memumbun. Indeed in this crouching manner similar prisipnya by grafting, because they both need the media to grow a root on the branch, but the branch akarpada membuntukkan not bend, but merunduhkan not need wrapping.Ducking is done on plants that are difficult to distek, for example, the wild apple rootstock whereas we want to multiply the plant quickly and in large julah. The trick is that the plant stem dirundukkan (bent) horizontal to the ground and covered with thin soil. After an eye on each segment to grow and sprout-shoots rooted, then the rod was cut for planting. This method is very easy to handle and does not require a lot of power, while the results were high.Plants can be bred very little duck species. The species that have a long, flexible branches may be generally dirundukkan. Incidentally these plants sometimes can do yourself or vegetative propagation is often called rundukan naturally. Because the edges or tips of the branches that droop when bersetuhan likely rooted to the ground.Get down to do the stem several types of plants that normally stand upright then bent to touch the ground, so it will be rooted in roses.• Ducking usualDirundukkan branch plants and filled with earth, exceptthe end of the branches. After forming roots, branches or trunkcut, in order to obtain new plants .. This method candone on a rose, guava, and Arbel• Ducking compoundThe entire stem dirundukkan then filled in the soil atsome place or all over the place. How this can be doneshelled and grape crops.- GraftingThe technology is able to create something new and if this technology is combined with the art, the result will be more dazzling again. This can be done on the plant, a bias mango tree has more than one kind of fruit, Mass arumanis mango, yam, doll and so on. It could be in a tree has a different leaf. For example, pink guava leaves used to have gravel measuring small arigot guava can be combined with a white edged leaves. Perpanduan such plants must be very interesting and will have a very expensive price. It happens because such bias is the result of akulasi.Grafting is often also called stick, Oculatie (Netherlands) or budding (UK). How to multiply plants by grafting has advantages when compared to cuttings and grafts. The surplus is the result of grafting has better quality than the parent. It could be said that because grafting done on plants that have good perakartan and resistant to pests and diseases of plants that have combined with a delicious fruit flavor, but has a poor rooting. Plants that have good roots are used as rootstock. While the plant has taken a delicious fruit to sprout eyes affixed rootstock known as the stem.Similarly, graft, grafting is usually used rootstock and the trunk of one of the species or varieties. Grafting plants of one variety or of satuspesies it can be done without having difficulty. As with the grafting is done interspecies usually rather experiencing difficulties. Such an issue is because the stem between the upper and lower stem sometimes there are physiological differences.Plant propagation by grafting are mostly done in oil, especially in the rubber and cocoa plantations. Some of the advantages of plant propagation by grafting, namely:
Can be obtained by way of grafted plants with high productivity.- A uniform plant growth.- Preparation of the seed is relatively short.- In the fall the leaves in rubber leaves fall from one clone to be simultaneously at any given time, thus will facilitate disease control Oidium Hevea case.
The downside of the vegetative plant propagation by grafting, namely:- Sometimes a plant grafting yield no less normal becausethe compatibility between the stem below the upper stem (entres)- Need to use experts for this pengokulasian.- If one of the conditions is not fulfilled in activities pengokulasian kemngkinan fail or entres eyes do not grow very big.
3.1 TIME AND PLACETime: Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at: 8:15 pmVenue: Gardens owned citrus P. Sugito Agung Mulyo Village district. Dau district. Poor
3.2 METHOD OF EXECUTIONMethod of implementation of this fieldtrip adalahdengan direct interviews to the landowner P.sugito.wawancara covers about:- How is the technique of producing citrus seedlings- Production of crops cultivated by the farmers and their many potential seeds that can be produced- Problems faced by speakers of seed production- The solution to the problems faced by resource
SEED PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES 4.1In an interview that has been done there is some information about the production techniques of citrus. Farmers provide as many as 50,000 pohon.Bibit orange seed-seed was obtained from a partner that has provided seed and there are mebuat own. For rootstock him get supplies from the region to stem the Madura while producing his own by planting orange seeds to be produced.
To produce seeds that had he signed, he used two ways in the production techniques of grafting and grafting. For grafting rootstocks used are orange sticks RL.Hal This is because the type of citrus fruit biasadimakan not yet very baik.Sedangkan roots system to stem it using his own seed produced by planting crops biji.Produksi using this technique he knows is self-taught with no There bibimbingan of the terkait.Namun today there are many partners working together to advance the breeding center he owned.
The second technique on the application made by him is using grafting techniques. In this technique he chose buds are not too old and too young teidak. Selection of one of the best buds is very important because it aims to optimize production. After the election he finished bud bud cut with a knife. The knife used must be clean and free of rust. It is also biased using a razor blade. After the wounded stem and buds included in the parent stem slice wounds found on the stems tied using plastic rope. Strap pengokulasian opened after 20 days. For successful grafting buds can be seen through a connected, if the buds are green then grafting was successful and if the brown bud grafting fails.

SEED PRODUCTION 4.2 ProblemsThe problems faced by speakers of seed production is less jelinya in grafting techniques. The impact of less jelinya the grafting process is a lot of plants that die or not so. In addition, the disease that can affect the production process. Mnyerang citrus diseases such as CTV, CVPD, Vein enation, Exortis, Psorosis, Xyloporosis and Tatter leaf. Major diseases that often attack citrus crops are CVPD with symptoms of yellow in part or whole leaf canopy, the leaves looked stiff, upright, and are often seen spotting chlorosis (blotching) In old leaves, the bones are delicate leaf darker, thus contrast with the yellow leaf meat. And the last duduk kasus is the season is uncertain. The impact of it, it will usually decrease seed production.

4.3 SOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSOf the duduk kasus and the solution can be given that the recommendations in the production of citrus plants must keep the stability of the environment by minimizing the percentage of deaths during the rainy season. The solution that he did this shows there is progress in keeping the produktifitasnya.Salah one way is to put the plants into the green house and providing treatments to care berkala.Hal is due to avoid direct contact with the plants that sustained rain bterus resulting plants rot and die.

5.1 CONCLUSION (OF PRACTICUM)From interviews it can be concluded that farmers use in grafting techniques and rootstock grafting.Untuk he get supplies from the region to stem the Madura while producing his own by planting orange seeds to be produced.For grafting rootstocks used are orange sticks RL.Hal This is because the type of citrus fruit biasadimakan not yet very baik.Sedangkan roots system to stem it using his own seed produced by planting seeds.In grafting technique he chose buds are not too old and too young teidak. Selection of one of the best buds is very important because it aims to optimize production.The problems that often arise in production techniques are sometimes less jelinya in grafting or grafting can make the plants die and fail tumbuh.Selain it, the disease that can affect the production process. Mnyerang citrus diseases such as CTV, CVPD, Vein enation, Exortis, Psorosis, Xyloporosis and Tatter leaf.Dan problems last season was erratic. The impact of it, it will usually decrease seed production.


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