Saturday, August 12, 2017

√ The Relationship Educational Technology And Teaching Learning Processes

1. What do you know about educational technology? And How is it different when perceived by educators versus technologists?
Educational technology can be defined as the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation processes and resources for learning. The other definition is any technology used by educators in support of the teaching and learning process.
 What do you know about educational technology √ The Relationship Educational Technology and Teaching Learning Processes
Educational Technology and Teaching Learning Processes 

The different in definition as perceived by the educators and technologist is that for educator, educational technology include printed media, model, projected and non projected visual, audio, video and digital media while for the technologist the educational technology is computers. Computers peripherals and the related software used in teaching and learning.
2. What is the relationship between the teaching-learning process and educational technology?
The relationship is that the educational technology has become the tools that a teacher might use to create an effective instructional event

3. What factors can affect perspectives on learning? Explain how each can interfere with the sender’s message.
There are three factors that affected perspectives on learning are;
1) Environment factors
2) Psychological factors, and
3)Personal factor

a) Environment factors – include environmental conditions that cause the message to be distorted. The outside noises can interrupt communication. Others include dim lighting, excessive movement and uncomfortable temperature.
Any factor emanating from the environments that cause a learner to lose focus may be included in environmental factor.
b) Psychological factors – the unique individual psychological differences that define and affect the reception of a communicated message. It includes the receiver’s emotional state at the time the message is transmitted.
c) Personal factor – individual have preferences as to how they best received information. Each of us has a preferred sensory gateway, that is, the sense that is most effective for receiving and decoding information.

4. Contrast the three perspectives on learning. How are they the same? How are they different? With which do you most agree?

All the three perspectives attempt to explain the complex process of learning but one perspective may be more attractive than others. But all of them work together as the range of possible explanation of learning and each individual approach as unique.

They are the same because we use all the perspectives in order to look for the answer of our learning. 

They are different in the sense that we have to understand the ay the students learn. To understand it, we need to know the learning theory.

I would agree the fact that we need to have a working knowledge on learning theory because from them, it is possible for us to develop our own view of learning theory. We may choose certain part that may suit us our select it in its entirety.

5. Explain the different between cognitive styles. How might each affect learning?

Cognitive style refers to how one thinks. One of the most widely used is Myres-Briggs Type Indicator. While the learning style is another factor influencing how an individual learns

Unlike the broader concept of cognitive style, that is, how we think, learning style refers to those conditions under which we best learn.

Most learning style theorists identify three primary modalities for learning: auditory, visual, and, kinesthetic.

Some individuals learn best by listening; thus, they might be said to have predominantly auditory learning style. Other may learn best by seeing, thus having a visual learning style. Yet others learn best by doing, which suggests a kinesthetic learning style.

6. How does the current viewed of educational technology differ from earlier views?

Perbedaan antara masa dulu dengan masa kini dalam pengunaan tehnologi pendidikan yaitu hanya pada kesederhanaan sahaja dimana dulu segala tehnologi yang dipakai masih sangat sederhana dibandingkan kini lantaran masa itu merupakan masa pengembangan dalam bidang tehnologi. Pengunaan visual dan audio visual sudah mulai juga dipakai pada masa lalu. Walaupun demikian ke-enganan pengunaan tehnologi pada masa itu masih ditujukan oleh para pendidik yang disebabkan oleh mahalnya biaya yang dipelukan sehingga penggunaan tehnologi disekolah sedkit menurun. Walaupun demikian pemekaian alat tehnologi tetap di usahakan dengan banyak sekali cara untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. sedangakan masa kini pengunaan alat tehnologi sudah hampir merata disemua tingkat pendidikan sehingga alat tehnologi sudah menjadi kebutuhan utama dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran di sekolah. 
7. What is programmed instruction? What has been its impact on the current approach to educational technology?

Adalah merupakan system pengajaran dimana materinya disajikan dalam tahap/langkah yang kecil. Setiap langkah memerlukan respon pelajar secara aktif, yang di ikuti oleh feed back (umpan balik) yang segara sebagai pembenaran dari respon tersebut.   

gerakan pengajaran  yang terprogram tidak mempunyai efek pada pendidikan teknologi. pada kenyataannya, ternyata menjadi dasar dari pendekatan berikutnya. dengan pendekatan analisis metodis pengajaran, pernyataan diamati secara secama untuk tujuan pembelajaran, dan penggunaan proses pembangunan secara sistematis menjadikannya menjadi pencetus untuk sistem instuctional sekarang. pendekatan untuk merancang dan menentukan teknologi pendidikan. isyarat yang diprogram secara empiris menganalisis data yang terkait dengan konten dan pelajar, mengidentifikasi kelebihan dan kelemahan, diubahsuaikan sesuai sistem, mengevaluasi hasil pembelajaran, dan sistem direvisi sesuai dengan evaluasi. 

8. Describe your synthesized view of teaching, learning, and technology?

pengajaran merupakan perencanaan urutan insiden yang sistematis yang mengunakan ide-ide komunikasi, konsep, atau skill yang di sampaikan kepada pelajar. Pegajaran memerlukan pemahaman pembelajaran dan pemahaman individu, faktor-faktor lingkungan yang mensugesti keadaan siswa

pembelajaran proses peningkatan pemahaman/pengetahuan tertentu dengan memakai meteri tertentu biasanya di ajarkan pribadi oleh seorang pendidik, baik secara formal atau nonformal. 

Technologi merupakan hasil inovasi yang sanggup dipakai untuk mendukung kerja kita baik secara pribadi atapun tidak langsung. Tehnologi juga boleh dipakai sebagai alat bantu dalam pendididkan bahkan kini sudah menjadi penggalan yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pengajaran pendidikan. 
