Saya lagi iseng-iseng mencoba kembali membuka mini blog saya di tumblr, dan ternyata masih sanggup dibuka. Saya iseng untuk membaca kembali tulisan-tulisan menyerupai apa yang saya posting di tumblr. Dan salah satunya yang akan saya bahas kembali disini hehe :)
15 things I wish I knew before college
1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help - College is a place to grow and improve. You are in college to learn more about the career you want to pursue. So, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
2. Build connections and keep them strong - Stepping out your comfort zone and building connections as early as college is a good way to support yourself once you’ve welcomed yourself in the real world. You may be academically gifted, but having a good set of connections is another key to be successful.
3. Sleep early, and wake up earlier - There is only one simple key in graduating, be productive, and good amount of sleep makes someone productive. I know a lot of people who will protest and justify that procrastination works better for them. But sleeping early, and waking up earlier makes someone finish all required tasks faster. And if you’re finished earlier, you get to check more stuff on your to do list.
4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle - Studies show that when you have a healthy lifestyle, you have a healthier brain. Thus, you become more efficient and productive as a student. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be a gym rat. Jogging for at least 30 minutes is enough to keep yourself healthy.
5. Moderate your caffeine intake - Most people rely too much on coffee that they have a hard time focusing when they’re low on caffeine. Studies show that even though coffee does wake your brain up, it also increases the body’s level of cortisol (stress hormone), and it also makes you gain weight.
6. Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s okay to fail - We are here to learn, and failure is part of it. One failure doesn’t necessarily mean you will never succeed. Pick yourself up, move on, and try again. Tomorrow is always another day to be better.
7. Save money - You don’t know when you’ll need it. So be practical and save your money.
8. Always bring a water jug with you - Studies show that drinking water helps in boosting ones mental capability and capacity. It also make you lose weight, if you’re wondering.
9. Call or text your parents whenever you can - They’re not getting any younger. Call them as much as you can, better go home and visit them. Always remember that nothing is more important than them.
10. Don’t hesitate to help someone - Helping blockmates or college friends are vital to one college student’s survival. Like what they say, no man is an island. Helping is a cycle which all college students must learn and appreciate.
11. It’s okay to lose friends - Don’t be too hard on yourself when you realize that someone’s not inviting you to his/her party anymore. You lose friends. We lose friends. We grow up. We move on. But always remember that it’s okay to lose friends, just don’t lose yourself in the process–find yourself, and be better.
12. Be friends with your professors - After you pass their subjects, of course. But being friends with professors will not only help you learn more about your major, but life. They have the most beautiful, intelligent insights about life.
13. Don’t trust easily - Be friends with everyone and never forget to be kind. But always remember that the only person you have to trust is yourself. Trust is a double edged sword, use it wisely.
14. Smile - It doesn’t only boost your mood, but you can also make someone’s day brighter by smiling at them. Spread the positivity, everyone in college needs a dose of that.
15. Always remind yourself why you’re here - If you feel like giving up, remind yourself about your dreams. You know why you’re here, you know why you want to graduate, you don’t want one exam to ruin your life forever. It’s easier to give up, holding on makes you braver–and smarter.
Itu beberapa hal yang ingin saya harapkan sebelum masuk kuliah dulu haha. Kesannya cukup sulit untuk dilakukan, tapi yaa memang sulit haha.
Untuk waktu-waktu ini dimana saya masih tergolong mahasiswa gres (bisa disebut maba bau tanah juga wkwk), beberapa poin di atas yang sangat sulit untuk dilakukan yaitu POIN NOMOR ENAM. Dimana pernah saya mengalami kegagalan yang amat sangat di bidang akademik, dan saya tak henti-hentinya menyalahkan diri saya atas kegagalan saya tersebut.
Membaca kembali apa yang dulu sudah pernah saya posting mengingatkan bahwa saya ndak seharusnya mikir menyerupai itu. Memang 15 poin diatas akan sangat penting untuk dilakukan ketika di masa perkuliahan. Bagi teman-teman yang masih dalam masa menuju dingklik kuliah sanggup mencoba meyakinkan dirinya masing-masing untuk menanamkan poin-poin tersebut dalam hati kalian. Dan untuk teman-teman yang sedang dalam masa perkuliahan, mungkin poin-poin tersebut (yang saya posting kembali disini) sanggup mengingatkan teman-teman untuk kedepannya.
Dan biar teman-teman selalu dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia, tetap semangat dan bagikan semangatmu kepada orang lain! :)