Wednesday, June 20, 2018

√ Application Of Gis To Support Agriculture



NAME: Muhammad Arif
NIM: 105040201111091


1. Understanding GIS

In the all-digital world today, plus the technology continues to evolve, the application of technology applications in different fields continues to be done, not least dalamsektor agriculture, the main economic sectors in Indonesia considering most of their livelihood in the world besarpenduduknya pertanian.Salah one example is the application of GIS or Geographical Information System, and jikaditerjemahkan freely into Indonesian language, we could call SistemInformasi GIS or Geography. GIS is an information system designed to work dengandata a spatially referenced or berkoordinat geography or in other words a adalahsuatu GIS database system with specific capabilities for handling data bereferensikeruangan (spatial) working in conjunction with a set of operations (Barus and Wiradisastra, 2000).
According to the Prayitno Murai (2000) GIS (Geographical Information System) is an information system that is used to enter, store, recall, process, analyze and produce data geographically referenced or geospatial data to support decision-making in planning and land use management, natural resources, environment, transportation, urban facilities, and other public services.
According to ESRI (1990), GIS as an organized collection of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and personnel designed to efficiently acquire, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and display all forms of information that are air-geographic reference .
GIS has been a lot of help experts to gather data quickly. Misalnyadalam know the extent of the damage caused by the tsunami in Aceh several tahunyang ago. Remote sensing by satellite can be quickly preached Sumatra ujungutara difference before and after the tsunami.
Sources of data for GIS purposes can be derived from the image data, field data, marine survey, map, social, economic, and GPS. Further processed in a laboratory or studio with GIS specific software according to their needs for the products with useful information, can be a conventional map, as well as digital maps fit user needs, then there must input the desired needs.
2. Examples of GIS Application in the Agricultural Sector for Activity:
(A) Monitoring of production in agriculture
GIS applications in agriculture is needed in order to obtain the maximum yield and satisfying. Aspects - aspects that are typically used in the application of GIS mapping or laying of commodities in accordance with the state of the agricultural land.
Increased production with low chemical inputs, such as fertilizer, is necessary because since 1980 the agricultural activities for food production that does not cause environmental pollution control. As an example of application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer causes excessive global warming and acid rain. One of the major problems facing human life is groundwater contamination by nitrate nitrogen.
Modeling crop production is one example of the application of GIS in bidangpertanian. Modeling using GIS offers a mekanismeyang integrate various types of data (biophysical) developed ataudigunakan in agricultural research. Monitoring crop conditions and crop pertaniansepanjang season prediction of potential yield important role dalammenganalisis seasonal production. Information yields accurate and sangatdibutuhkan by various state departments of agriculture.
GIS applications are also very helpful in monitoring the situation - the circumstances surrounding agricultural areas, such as in knowing the region - a region afflicted by pests or diseases, the region - a region which has been ready for production monitoring is done remotely using application monitoring system.
(B) Assessment of the risk of farming
GIS can be used to help manage resources in agriculture and plantation-scale wide area optimal risk failing the minimum planting and crop failures. GIS establish the appropriate planting, predict the harvest, crop rotation systems to develop and perform an annual calculation of the discharge, rainfall and cropping scenarios and types of planting the most economically and technically advantageous.
In food technology, GIS can be used to map the presence of tanamanpangan. GIS applications used in food technology and quality adalahfoodtrace trace them. This application has been developed by Thailand. Denganaplikasi we can obtain information about the raw materials for a product both in terms of quality and origin of the raw materials. In Thailand, one corn perusahaanpengalengan use this application to include information bahanbaku and there are codes that can be checked by the customer to know the raw asalbahan. In addition, GIS can also be used to map ketahananpangan a region based on the data entered in GIS.
Business risk assessment is performed by measuring deviations occur. According to (Anderson et al., 1977; Elton and Gruber, 1995, and Fariyanti, 2008) there is some measure of the risk of which is the value of variance (variance), standard deviation (standard deviation), and the coefficient of variation (coefficient of variation). In practical measurement variance of earnings (return) is the sum of the squared difference between the return expectations of return multiplied by the odds of each event (Elton and Gruber, 1995). Whereas the standard deviation can be measured by the square root of the variance value. Meanwhile, the coefficient of variation can be measured from the ratio of the standard deviation of the expected return (expected return) of an asset. Income (return) can be obtained income, production or prices. The coefficient of variation shows the variability of returns and is usually calculated as a percentage value. If the data expected revenue (expected return) is not available can use the value of the average return.
Business people including farmers should be cautious in using the variance and standard deviation for meperbandingkan risk, because they are absolute and do not consider the risks in relation to the expected results. To compare the expected return assets, businesses or farmers can use the coefficient of variation. Coefficient of variation is a measure that is appropriate for farmers as decision makers in choosing one alternative from several business activities to any return earned. By using the coefficient of variation, comparisons between business activities are carried out with the same size, the risk for any return.
(C) Control of pests and diseases
Application of GIS in agriculture and especially in the field of Plant Pests and Diseases. An example is the mapping of the spread of the disease in some areas of both old disease or a new disease so that the use of GIS to do prevention. In the field of Plant Pests and Diseases, GIS application made to implement early control that is territorial. With the use of GIS will attack the disease can be anticipated.
An example is the mapping of the spread of the disease in some areas itupenyakit either old or a new disease so that the utilization of GIS dapatdilakukan prevention. In the field of Plant Pests and Diseases, GISdilakukan application to implement early control of the territorial nature. With GIS pemenfaatan will attack the disease can be anticipated.

(C) Monitoring cultivation
GIS can be used to help manage resources such as agricultural and plantation forest area for plants, trees, or waterways. GIS can be used for monitoring the cultivation stage as in setting the harvest, developing a crop rotation system, and perform calculations on an annual basis for damage that occurs because of differences in soil seeding, planting, or the techniques used in the future. GIS helps neginventarisasi data - the data field to be faster perkebunantebu analyzed, as in the nursery, planting a garden can be managed by the management.
For example, with the use of GIS applications we can know keadaantanaman, soil parameters, information about the environment to grow in the field, to detect plant growth, soil moisture and plant pests and penyakittanaman, resource mapping, irrigation, determine fertilizer needs, menentukanposisi land, environmental monitoring , and others. GIS can also create a map of the distribution digunakanuntuk crops in a region, petapersebaran horticulture, soil type, and so forth.
(E) Precision agriculture
Precision agriculture (precision farming / PF) is an information and technology to agricultural management systems to identify, analyze, and manage the information of spatial and temporal variability within fields for optimum benefit, sustainable, and protecting the environment. The purpose of PF is to match resources and application of agricultural cultivation with soil conditions and crop needs based on specific characteristics in the field. It has the potential to obtaining greater results with the same level of inputs (fertilizers, lime, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, seed), the same result with input reduction, or greater yield with reduced input than other agricultural production systems. PF has many challenges as crop production systems that require a lot of technology that should be developed in order to be adopted by farmers. PF is a revolution in the management of natural resources based on information technology.
Precision agriculture (precision farming / PF) is an information and technology padasistem agricultural management to identify, analyze, and mengelolainformasi spatial and temporal variability within fields for optimum mendapatkankeuntungan, sustainable, and protecting the environment. The purpose of PF is to match resources and application of agricultural cultivation purposes kondisitanah and plants based on site-specific characteristics in the current lahan.Pada many crop producers to implement site-specific crop management (SSCM). Monitoring results electronically (electronic monitoring yield) seringkalimenjadi first stage in developing SSCM or PF program. Data hasiltanaman precision can be combined with soil data and to begin implementation of the environmental management system development crop precision (precision crop management system).
PF predicted on the geo-referencing, yaitupenandaan geographic coordinates for the points on the Earth's surface. With global postioning system (GPS) is possible marks beberapaobjek or geographic coordinates for a point in 5 cm, although the accuracy of kisaranumumnya agricultural applications is 1 to 3 meters. GPS is a navigation system based satelityang created and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPStelah proven to be an option in the postioning system for PF. Methods for improving the accuracy of position measurement called differential correction or DGPS (differential global postiong system). The hardware required is a GPS receiver, differential correction signal receiver, GPS antenna, differential correctionantenna, and computer / monitor interface.
PF as new technologies that have been developed thus outside Indonesia needs to immediately begin research in Indonesia to allow a more thorough treatment of any piece of land so as to increase productivity by improving yield, lower production costs and reduce environmental impact. The purpose can be achieved by PF through mapping results (yield map), a map of the soil (soil map), a map of growth (growth map), map information fields (field map information), the determination of the application rate (variable rate application), manufacturing yield sensor, making variable rate applicator, and others. Merging the map results, soil maps, yield maps of plant growth map information fields (field information folder) as the basis for treatment according to the specific needs of that obtained with variable rate application. Implementation of these activities will be more quickly and accurately when it is available variable rate applicator.
PF predicted on the geo-referencing, ie tagging geographic coordinates for the points on the Earth's surface. With global postioning system (GPS) enabled marked geographic coordinates for some object or point in 5 cm, although the accuracy of agricultural applications generally range is 1 to 3 meters. GPS is a satellite based navigation system developed and operated by the United States Department of Defense. GPS has proven to be an option in postioning system for PF. Methods for improving the accuracy of position measurement called differential correction or DGPS (differential global postiong system). The hardware required is a GPS receiver, differential correction signal receiver, GPS antenna, antenna differential correction, and computer / monitor interface.
(F) Management of water resources
GIS is not a system that is capable of making decisions automatically. GIS is only a tool to collect data, analyze it, based on the mapping of the data set to support the decision making process. Irrigation GIS technology can help a variety of activities such as job secure acreage decisions based on the information flow, blessings help solve problems with drought, or a decision on the location of irrigation networks which need to be rehabilitated. GIS can also be used to help reach a decision about the location of a new dam may have little or minimal environmental impact in residential land acquisition, was on the scene that has the least amount of risk, and are in an optimal position to irrigate topography arel the most extensive.
Rice Irrigation Management System (RIMS) in Tanjung Karang, Malaysia Eltaeb system was developed by Saeed, Rowshon, MK, Amin, MSM Tujuanpembangunan RIMS technology-supported GIS (Geographic Information System) is to conduct water use efficiency and improve agricultural produktifitaslahan. GIS technology serves to store the data into a computer database to allow for analysis of the geographic region through which this dalamhal irrigation. Yangmenggunakan RIMS system capabilities of GIS technology to develop water management baik.Sistem RIMS applied in Tanjung Karang irrigation area, Malaysia.
Planning and management of water resources are either absolutely necessary to maintain its sustainability. For that dipelukan sufficient information which can be used by decision makers, including spatial information. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a spatial technologies emerging today. In most applications of GIS for water resources management is still lacking in the country of Indonesia despite the rapid development of GIS has been developed in other countries. Planning and management of water resources should be integrated from the water source to use. Spatial information will greatly assist in the decision making process in water resources management.
(G) Assessment of biodiversity for agricultural landscape continues
In the aspect of forest and biodiversity conservation, determine priority areas of kerafaman biological danhotspot is the most basic. GIS applications for this, both in developed and in developing countries, is quite a lot. Hutantropis have a significant role in global climate change. SIGmerupakan a very useful tool in the study of climate change, namely dalamhal organizing data, in the form of global databases, and a capability for modeling analisaspasial. GIS application to the study of climate change berkembangpesat, but for developing countries is still very limited. Akansemakin spatial databases is important in terms of supporting decisions berkaitandengan forest management. Some global database covering hutantropis area is available, which includes databases on topography, wet tropical forests, iklimglobal, global climate change, satellite images, and soil conservation.

3. The explanation is related to the application in which they are carried out, padasistem how to apply GIS farming is done, spatialapa kinds of data are needed in compiling these examples, how manfaatpenerapan GIS is in running the farm system.
ü The concept of GIS
Sources of data for GIS purposes can be derived from the image data, field data, marine survey, map, social, economic, and GPS. Further processed by the laboratory or studio GIS specific software according dengankebutuhannya to produce such useful information, bisaberupa conventional maps, and digital maps as necessary user, then harusada desired needs user input.
ü Component GIS
The main components of Geographic Information Systems can be divided into the main limakomponen, namely:
o Hardware (Hardware)
o Software (Software)
o User (User)
o Data
o Methods
In support of a Geographic Information System, in principle, there are two types of data, namely:
a. Spatial Data
The data relating to aspects of spatial and geographic location yangmenyajikan is data or a real picture of an area permukaanbumi. Generally represented in the form of charts, maps, or even gambardengan digital format and stored in the form of the coordinates x, y (vector), or what form of image (raster) that have a certain value.
b. Non-spatial data
Data also called non-spatial attribute data, ie data menerangkankeadaan or information from an object (location and position) yangditunjukkan by spatial data. One of the main components of SistemInformasi Geographic is the software (software). In one pendesainanpeta used GIS software MapInfo Professional is a 8.0.MapInfo perengkat danpemetaan Geographic Information System software developed by MapInfo Co. Berfungsisebagai The software tool that can help to visualize, explore, query answering, and analyzing geographic data.
ü Use of GIS Application in the Agricultural Sector
In the all-digital world today, plus terusberkembang technology, the application of technology applications in different fields were terusdilakukan, not least in agriculture, the main economic sectors in Indonesia since most of the population of their livelihood dalamdunia pertanian.Salah One example is the application of GIS or Geographical Information System, and if freely translated into Indonesian language, we can menyebutnyaSIG or Geographic Information Systems. GIS is an information system yangdirancang to work with spatially referenced data or berkoordinatgeografi or in other words, a GIS is a database system dengankemampuan specifically to handle spatial referenced data (spatial) along with a set of operations kerja.GIS been a lot of help experts in collecting the data secaracepat. For example, in knowing how much damage diakibatkantsunami in Aceh a few years ago. Remote sensing through satelitdapat quickly proclaim the northern tip of Sumatra island differences itusebelum and after the tsunami.Secara outline, which can be done in agriculture adalahmencakup GIS inventory, management, and suitability of land for agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, forestry, land use planning land, and may be assisted on.Which GIS for world agriculture are:
a. Managing Production TanamanGIS can be used to help manage agricultural resources such as land area danperkebunan for plants, trees, or channel air.Kita can use GIS to determine the harvest, crop rotation systems develop, and perform calculations secaratahunan for damage that occurs because of differences in soil seed , planting, or the techniques used in the harvest.
b. Managing System IrigasiKita can use GIS to help monitor and mengendalikanirigasi of agricultural lands. GIS can help monitor kapasitassistem, valves, efficiency, as well as a thorough distribution of water in dalamsistem.
c. Planning and resource kehutananPerencanaan history and history of land management and integration dengansistem law and its integration with database management systems relasionalsistem. ArcView, GIS applications for the use of GIS is biasanyadengan particular application. The most commonly used is ArcView.Walaupun current GIS use in agriculture has not umumdipakai, because of frequent diapakai GIS for land degradation akibatbencana see nature, but do not open it possible the application of GIS in duniapertanian will be more frequently used. GIS is not just matasoftware or computer applications, but it is the overall management daripekerjaan farm management, land mapping, recording daily activities in the garden into a database, the planning system and others. That is to say an agricultural ulangpengelolaan planning integrated system.

4. Description of how the opportunities of each sample was applied in one application sistempertanian in Indonesia to continue farming.

Information Communication Technology is a very important factor dalammendukung improving the quality of human resources and government services kepadamasyarakat. Information technology has three principal roles:
1. Instruments in optimizing the development process, namely by memberikandukungan the management and service to the community.
2. Information technology products and services is a commodity that can memberikanpeningkatan good income for individuals, businesses and even countries robin exchange export proceeds telematics services and products industry.
3. Information technology can be the glue of national unity, melaluipengembangan information system linking all institutions and areaseluruh the archipelago.
Awareness of the importance of Information and Communication Technology which is usually called ICT (Information and Communicatinn Technologi), not only among pengusahabesar monopoly but also growing among small and power-kekuatanmasyarakat, such as cooperatives, farmer groups, and ordinary people. Diyakiniberperan important in the development of ICT businesses, institutional organizations, and is also able to accelerate economic activity and standard of living.
The benefits that can be gained through the application of technology in supporting pembangunanpertanian informasidan komunikasikhususnya sustainable include:
1. Encourage the establishment of a network of agricultural information in the local and national level.
2. Opening the farmers' access to agricultural information for:
* Meningkatkanpeluang potential for increased revenue and the path;
* Improve the ability of farmers to improve their bargaining position, and
* Improve the ability of farmers to diversify their commodity usahatanidanmerelasikan earned the input provided, the number produksiyang required and the ability to absorb the output market.
3. Encourage the implementation of development activities, management danpemanfaatan informasipertanian directly or indirectly to support pengembanganpertanian marginal land.
4. Facilitate documentation of agricultural information at the local level (indigeneousknowledge) which can be accessed more widely for agricultural mendukungpengembangan lahanmarjinal.

5. General Discussion and Conclusions
Development of sustainable agriculture and rural areas is a universal isupentingstrategis discussed today. In menghadapiera globalisasipembangunan sustainable agriculture can not be separated from pengaruhpesatnyaperkembangan including developments in the field of science and technology and communications teknologiinformasi. Effective integration of ICT in the sector between pertanianakan leading to sustainable agriculture through agricultural informai preparation of timely relevant, which can provide the right information in the process pengambilankeputusan kepadapetani berusahatani to meningkatkanproduktivitasnya. ICT can memperbaikiaksesibilitas farmers quickly to market information, production inputs, trenkonsumen, which positively impacts the quality and quantity of production mereka.Informasi marketing, livestock management practices and new crops, disease danhamatanaman / livestock, availability of transportation, information and market opportunities hargapasarinput and agricultural output is very important for the efficiency of the economy produksisecara.


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