Tuesday, June 19, 2018

√ Melon Cultivation

Melon Cultivation"
Conceived to complement the Agroecosystem Management courses
Prepared By:
Muhammad Arif Thunder Zulfahmi


1.1 Background
Cultivation of melon (Cucumis melo) was originally discovered in Cisarua, Bogor and Kalianda-Float, but has now spread to every district in Indonesia. The main producers of a melon on the island of Java is the East Java (Malang, Ngawi, Pacitan, Madison) and Central Java (Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Karang Anyar, Klaten). Especially in Banten, melon cultivation started in 2005, but the response is quite high due to the high demand and relatively expensive, so as to bring benefits to farmers.
Agribusiness melon shows promising prospects. But if the land is increasingly hard factors, especially nutrient-poor micro nutrients and natural hormones, climatic factors and weather, pest and disease factors and maintenance factors not addressed then the profits will decline.

1.2 Problem Formulation
The formulation of the dilema in this paper are:
1. How melon cultivation techniques in the world of agriculture?
2. Any disturbance of plant organisms (OPT) melon?
3. How organisms spam techniques pengandalian plants (OPT) melon?
1.3 Objectives of Writing
The purpose of writing this paper is to determine:
1. Melon cultivation techniques in the world of agriculture.
2. Organisms spam crop (OPT) melon.
3. Engineering plants pengandalian spam organisms (OPT) melon.


2.1 History Melon
Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a fruit crop, including the family Cucurbitaceae, which says a lot coming from the Valley melons Hot Persian or Mediterranean area which is the border between West Asia to Europe and Africa. And this plant eventually spread to the Middle East and to Europe. In the 14th century melon brought to America by Columbus and eventually cultivated extensively in Colorado, California, and Texas. Finally melon spread all over the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia.
2.2 nomenclature
Let's start with the basics. All melons are in the same family Cucurbitaceae, the gourd or pumpkin family. This large family has more than 100 branches, including cucumber, squash, pumpkin, squash of all kinds, and even loofahs. "Melon" fall into two genera: Cucumis Cucumis and Citrullus consists of all melons except watermelon, Citrullus-which is an entirely different genus. As a group, all of Cucumis melo melon can be called muskmelons or melons.
Taxonomy, Cucumis melo subdivided into different groups. Cantaloupensis is true melon, intermediate, warty or scaly, common in Europe, but it is not grown commercially in the United States.
Reticulatus groups melon-the most common today are easily identified by a netted skin and is called netted or summer melon. This group includes Galia and Charentais melons as well as what we call a melon. In America, the term "muskmelon" and "cantaloupe" are used interchangeably, but "melon" is more common. When ripe, these melons are aromatic and wine "slip" off of the fruit.
Melon inodorous group, known as smooth or winter melon, distinguishing themselves by their smooth skin (leather). In 4dukthood, they do not smell or musky aromatic and can not be separated from the vine. Members of the group include casaba, Crenshaw, Christmas, walnuts and honeydew melon.
2.3 Crops
The types of the famous melon: melon Christianism (1850); melon Sill Hybrid (1870); melon Surprise (1876); melon Ivondequoit, Miller Cream, netted Gem, Hacken Sack and Osage (1881-1890); Honey Rock melons and Improved Perfecto (1933); melon Imperial (1935); melon Queen of Colorado and Honey Gold (1939). For ease of planting and grouping systems melon, melon experts classify into two types, namely:
1) Type of netted-melon
a. Characteristics: hard rind, rough, veined and pictorial as mesh (net); relatively more fragrant aroma compared with winter-melon; cook faster between 75-90 days; durable and long lasting to be stored.
b. Varieties: (1) Cucumis melo var. reticulatus, small fruit, deep-like nets and fragrant, (2) Cucumis melo var. cantelupensis, large fruit, scaly skin and fragrant.
2) Type of Winter-Melon
a. Characteristics: fruit skin smooth, shiny and fragrant aroma of the fruit is not; fruit to ripen slowly between 90-120 days; easily damaged and not durable for storage; types of melon is often used as an ornamental plant.
b. Varieties: (1) Cucumis melo var. inodorous, rind smooth, elongated fruit with a diameter of 2.5 to 7.5 cm, (2) Cucumis melo var. flexuosus, smooth surface of the fruit, the fruit lengthwise between 35-70 cm, (3) Cucumis melo var. dudain, small size, often for ornamental plants, (4) Cucumis melo var. chito, lemons for fruit size, often used as an ornamental plant.

2.4. Investment Centers
Prior to 1980, the melon is present in Indonesia as imported fruit. Then many agribusiness firms trying to grow melons cultivated area Cisarua (Bogor) and Desaru (Lampung) with melon varieties from America, Taiwan, Japan, China, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany.
Then melons grown in the area Ngawi, Madiun, Ponorogo until the ex-residency Surakarta (Sragen, Sukoharjo, Boyolali, and Klaten Karanganyar). These areas are the largest supplier of melon melon compared to the first origin.

2.5. Growing Conditions
5.1. Climate
1) The wind is blowing hard enough to damage the melon crop, can break the petiole, fruit stalks and stems of plants.
2) the continuous rain will disqualify candidates fruit has formed and can also make conditions favorable environment for pathogens. Currently melon crops before harvest, will reduce the sugar content in the fruit.
3) melon plants require full sun exposure during growth.
4) melon plants require a cool, dry temperatures for growth. Growth temperature for planting melons between 25-30 degrees C. Melon plants can not grow if less than 18 degrees C.
5) Humidity indirectly affect the growth of melon plants. In high humidity melon plants vulnerable to disease.
5.2. Growing Media
1) Land for melon cultivation is sandy clay that contains lots of organic matter to facilitate growing melons plant roots. Melon plants do not like soil that is too wet.
2) melon plants will grow well if the pH is 5.8 to 7.2.
3) melon plants basically need plenty of water. But, should it come from irrigation water, not from the rain.
5.3. The Altitude
Melon plants can grow quite well at an altitude of 300-900 meters above sea level. If the height of over 900 meters above sea level with optimum production plants.

2.6. Raising Guidelines
6.1. Nurseries
1) Requirements for Seed
Melon plants healthy and producing optimal derived from plant seeds of healthy, strong and well-preserved in the beginning. Seeds soaked in the solution and Atonik Furadam for 2 (two) hours. Good seed at the bottom of the water, and poor seed will float on the water surface. Therefore, the key to the success of a breeding agribusiness melon.
2) Preparation of Seed
a) Procurement of the generative seed
Generative phase marked by flower. In this phase, the plant requires a lot of phosphorus for strengthening roots and form seeds in the fruit. In this phase, when the plants are in good health then jaringjaring expected to appear on the fruit evenly. To support generative growth, plants sprayed with foliar fertilizers Complesal super tonic (red) with a concentration of 2 g / liter once a week. To prevent the elements calcium and boron deficiency the plants sprayed with a foliar fertilizer Ferti-cal with a concentration of 2 ml / liter or Cab with a concentration of 2 ml / liter.
b) Supply of seeds through vegetative (tissue culture)
With the tissue culture method, the selection of growing media and explant sources used must be appropriate in order to provide maximum results. Media composed of the basis used by the composition of salts Murashige and Skoog (1962) with the addition of thiamin 0.04 mg / liter, myoinositol 100 mg / liter, surkosa 30 grams / liter of various combinations of plant hormones were added in accordance with the treatment. Media made in solid form by adding that bacto 8 grams / liter, pH of the media was made by adding NaOH or 5.7 HCl 0.1 N. autoclave sterilization is done by media pressure 17.5 psi, temperature of 120 degrees C for 30 menit.Tanaman obtained from tissue culture to form male flowers and female flowers separti the plants obtained from seeds.
c) Source of seeds
To grow we need to know the source melon seeds first. You should always use the original seed (F1 hybrid).
d) How seed saving
Seeds should be stored in a dry place to store the seeds can be made as simple as remembering nursery aged seeds only for 10-14 days, as to protect the young plants the seeds from the sun, rain, and pests and diseases. Alas the nursery, where a polybag placed coated newsprint so the roots do not penetrate the seed into the soil.
e) The need for seed
Seed required in accordance with plus 10% acreage to spare stitching.
f) seed treatment
Melon seed requires treatment that is simpler than the non-seed watermelon seed. This is because the melon skin is thin enough so it does not require extra treatment. Treatment for melon seeds are washing, soaking, and seed ripening.

3) Seed Seeding Technique
a) Method and Time of Seeding
Melon seeds to be planted, first soaked in water for 2-4 hours. Then the seeds sown in a plastic bag, which was filled with soil and manure are mixed in the ratio 5:1. Seeds planted in an upright position and the candidate root end facing down. Seeds covered with husk ash and soil mixture with a ratio of 2:1 were prepared, so that plants can grow well, not easily fall. To stimulate the germination of seeds by creating a warm atmosphere then cover the surface of the seedbed with a wet rag. When the seedlings have emerged seedlings media surface (on day 3 or 4), the sack can be opened.
b) Making Media Semai
Melon includes plants that are not too demanding a special seedling media pembibitannya. Media can be made with many variations, for example by mixing soil, sand and manure or compost, as long as the comparison is appropriate as 1:1:1. To get the melon seedlings were stout and healthy then the exact composition of the seedling medium consisting of a mixture of soil, manure, fertilizer SP-36 or NPK plus insecticide carbofuran.
4) Maintenance Nurseries / Seeding
After sowing seeds in polybag seedlings will grow to be a candidate, and should get a good maintenance melon seeds to be healthy and strong.
a) Ways and Watering Time
Seeds dipersemaian in flush every morning. Starting from seed sprouts appear not appear until the soil surface. Spray tank used for watering. When spraying to watering not too strong because it will erode the soil media and throw seeds or sprouts out of the polybag. When the true leaves come out, watering the new seeds do embrat or yells. When the weather is hot, dry soil in polybags and watering should be repeated in the afternoon, do not flush the plant seeds during the day because it will cause water and nutrients can not be absorbed as a result seeds into thin, dry and withered.
b) Spacing
Thinning conducted to prepare healthy seeds for planting and stocky. Thinning was started 3 days before planting seedlings to the field. Seeds that have collected into one uniform growth. The seeds are removed and not languish growth planted.
c) Fertilization
For seedling vegetative growth can be stimulated by spraying foliar fertilizer containing a high nitrogen. Foliar fertilizer is done one time, when the seedling age 7-9 HSS with a concentration from 1.0 to 1.5 grams / liter. Roots in the form of fertilizers and organic fertilizers Chemical fertilizers do not need to be added during the nursery because fertilizer given to the media root seedlings have been sufficient.

d) Provision of Pesticides In The Nursery
During breeding pesticide spraying performed if deemed necessary. Concentration will cause the leaves of melon seeds is burned (plasmolisis). Penyomprotan is done especially during the 2-3 days before the seeds are planted in the field. Examples of pesticides used are insecticides Dicarzol 0.5 g / liter and fungicides Previcur N 1.0 ml / liter.
5) Transfer of Seeds
Melon seeds moved into the field when the 4-5 leaf blade or melon plant has aged 10-12 days. How to transfer is no different from other means of transporting crops, namely discarded plastic bags polybags carefully following soil and seeds planted in beds that have been previously drilled, bedenganpun not to a lack of water.

6.2. Media Processing Plant
1) Preparation
a) Soil pH Measurement
Measurement of soil pH by using a pH meter. The land will be measured wetted first. Samples were taken at 10 different points, then calculated average pH.
b) Analysis of Soil
Based on the facts on the ground melon plants can be grown on different types of soil, especially soil andosol, latosol, regosol, and grumosol, provided that lack of soil properties can be manipulated by liming, the addition of organic matter, and fertilizer.
c) Timing / Schedule Planting
The timing of planting associated with the estimated harvest a melon varieties were planted and harvest other melon varieties. For example, when planting melon varieties in March is about me, fragrance varieties April, May century new varieties (hamiqua) and so on so that the farmers / agribusiness entrepreneurs need to schedule a melon crop varieties desired customers.
d) Determination of Areas for Investment
Determination of planting area is closely related to the equity, the available land area, season and market demand. Melon crops grown in open fields in the rainy season will be damaged due to disease are constantly exposed to rain. Then planting melons in the rainy season is more geared to the hydroponic system.
e) Setting Volume Production
The setting is closely related to production volume estimated at harvest prices and market demand. How melon planting done gradually. For example, the first 20% investment in location A, the second 40% at location B, and the third 40% in location C. Planting interval ranged from 2 weeks. This setting is commonly done in agribusiness melon with a hydroponic system. To maintain continuity of production, usually 1-2 weeks later cropping interval.
2) Land Opening
a) Piracy
For melon cultivation in medium-high plateau, the soil structure is usually very crumb that does not require piracy. The land should be plowed first flooded overnight, then the next day do piracy is enough to turn the soil so it is done so with a depth of about 30 cm trackbacks.
b) Scratching and break ground Land And Land Ready Planting Time
For the cultivation and raking, the terrain must be quite dry. Because we can easily form the original ground-loaf berbongkah and enough clay, soil crumbs and enough beremah nest (easily absorbed water). With the land will be beneficial to plants. In addition to simple roots penetrate the soil, will also be easier to breathe.
Cultivation ways are as follows:
1. First do the reversal of land (land still berbongkah-loaf.
2. Land of the results of the first ground-breaking mashed or crushed, with a depth of 30-50 cm ±. (For two times cangkulan)
3. Cultivation done if the terrain is actually categorized into heavy soil. If not, once the land was enough beremah hoes and we can do the work of others.
3) Establishment of beds
a) Production Method
For 5-7 days after hijacked allowed to dry land (or reversed). This process will make the soil become sticky and berbongkah after hijacked a bit shattered due to sun drying and aeration. During the process several chemical compounds that are toxic and harmful plants and will disappear slowly. Once dried, the chunk of land is mapped with rope to form beds with a maximum length of beds 12-15 m, height of beds 30-50 cm; wide beds 100-110 cm and 55-65 cm wide trench.
b) Form of beds
Beds formed by chunks of land menjandi hoe soil crumb structure / crumbly. When you have seen the shape of beds, both beds rugged / semi-finished raised bed is dried again for a week so that the process of oxidation / evaporation of toxic elements exist until it disappeared completely.
c. The size and distance of beds
With a maximum length of 15 m would facilitate and expedite treatment plants discharge water, especially in the rainy season. High beds are made in accordance with the seasons and soil conditions. In the rainy season 50 cm high beds that plant roots are not submerged in water if heavy rains. And in the dry season just 30 cm high beds, due to the easy maintenance of beds at flooded. Trench with a width of 55-65 cm is made is to simplify maintenance at the time of spraying, mounting stake, and roping.
4) Liming
By liming will increase calcium nutrient needed for plant cell walls. Liming can use the dolomite / calmag (CaCO3 MgCO3) calcite / Kaptan (CaCO3). After obtaining the average pH, determination of needs can be done using the following data:
a) <4.0 (most acidic): the amount of lime> 10.24 tons / ha
b) 4.2 (very acidic): the amount of lime 9.28 tonnes / ha
c) 4.6 (acid): the amount of lime 7.39 tonnes / ha
d) 5.4 (acid): the amount of lime 3.60 tonnes / ha
e) 5.6 (slightly acidic): the amount of lime 2.65 tonnes / ha
f) 6.1 to 6.4 (slightly acidic): the amount of lime <0.75 tonnes / ha
5) Black Plastic Mulch Installation-Silver (PHP)
PHP mulch consisting of two layers, the silver lining on the top and black at the bottom with a variety of advantages. Silver color on the mulch will reflect sunlight so that the process becomes more optimal photosynthesis, crop conditions are not too wet, reduce disease, and repel insects such plants Thirps spam and Aphids. While black mulch will absorb the heat so that the temperature menhadi plant roots warm. As a result, root development will be optimal. The color black also prevents sunlight to penetrate into the soil so that weed seeds will not grow (except the puzzles and the banana). Installation of PHP mulch should be done during the scorching heat of the sun in order to expand so that the mulch beds with proper cover. Technical installations quite by 2 people for a raised bed. How pull both ends of mulch on the bed, attach one end on the bed using a wedge clamp mulch and then the other end. Once both ends are closely related PHP mulch on the bed, pull the mulch same way on both sides of the beds every meter simultaneously. Attach both sides of the beds with mulch and brace pegs earlier so that all the relevant meetings of mulch on the bed. After completion of installation, mulch PHP bedenganbedengan left closed for 3-5 days before planting hole is made. The purpose of chemical fertilizers that can be turned into a form available so it can be absorbed by plants.
6.3. Planting Techniques
1) Determination of Cropping Pattern
Melon plants are commonly grown crops with monoculture.
2) Preparation and Planting Hole
To make the planting hole by using a heating plate or use condensed milk cans. Heating plate in the form of pieces of iron with a diameter of 10 cm, made in such a way that the heat generated from charcoal being burned capable of punching holes in the mulch PHP quickly. The model can be planting two rows facing each other form a rectangle ati he confronted Baros triangular shape.
3) How Planting
Seeds that have been in the nursery + 3 weeks moved into the media along. Cultivated plant roots do not get damaged when ripping small polybag. Prints soil already contains melon seeds, which had been placed in the hole and tried to be ditugal not broken / destroyed because it can cause damage to the roots and the plant will wilt if the day is hot.
6.4. Plant Maintenance
1) Spacing and Stitching
Thinning and replanting done when within 2 (two) weeks after planting seedlings did not show normal growth. Plants and their roots removed then replaced with seedlings / new crops. This is best done in the afternoon so that the young plants can better adapt to its new environment. Replanting and thinning is usually done for 3-5 days, as is likely in the first week there are other plants that need to be embroidered. When after thinning and replanting new plants should be soaked in water
2) Weeding
In melon cultivation mulch system PHP penyiangannya done in the planting hole and trench between two beds. Weeds were not cleared cause humid cropping environment to stimulate disease. Weeds can also be a host of pests and harmful nematodes.
3) pembubunan
For pembubunan first we did was start fertilizing and sterilize land there. The goal is after the land cultivated and fertilized, the land will be fertile and will be free of pests and diseases. When do the fertilizing, soil previously treated, has dikelentang for 2 weeks. That way, hopefully long enough land is exposed to the scorching sun, healthy enough for planting.
4) Perempalan
Perempelan made to shoot / branch water is not the main branch.
5) Fertilization
Fertilization given 3 times, which is 20 days after planting, the plants aged 40 days (when the fruit thinning will do) and at the 60-day-old plants (when stepping on the maturation process). How spread evenly over the soil beds on the outskirts of the left and right (10-15 cm). Then the ground behind it carefully so as not to damage the roots of plants, and so the fertilizer can be safely buried in the soil. For ease in fertilization, made a series of data on early fertilization.
a) Manure / compost: basic fertilizer = 10-20 tons / ha.
b) Urea: basic fertilizer = 440 kg / ha; fertilizer aftershocks I = 330 kg / ha; fertilizer aftershocks II = 220 kg / ha; fertilizer aftershocks III = 440 kg / ha.
c) TSP: basic fertilizer = 1,200 kg / ha; fertilizer aftershocks I = 220 kg / ha; fertilizer aftershocks II = 550 kg / ha.
d) KCl: basic fertilizer = 330-440 kg / ha; fertilizer aftershocks II = 160 kg / ha.
Description basal fertilizer: fertilizer on soil tillage (before planting); fertilizer aftershocks I: age ± 20 days; fertilizer aftershocks II: age + 40 days; fertilizer aftershocks III: age + 60 days.
6) Irrigation and Watering
a) Water
Melon plants require air dry for growth, but the soil must be moist. Watering should be done if not raining. Irrigation in the afternoon or evening.
b) Watering
Plants in the flush since the plant growth, plants will be picked up the fruit. When watering not to wet the leaves and spray water from the ground water not affected leaves and fruit. The goal is to ensure that plants are not plagued by disease from the spark, if soaked leaves will invite a huge mushroom. Watering is done early in the morning or evening. Therefore there is water around large gardens benefits.
7) Time Pesticide Spraying
a) preventive measures, seeds soaked in a solution of Agrimycin bactericide (oxytetracycline and streptomycin sulfate) or Agrept (streptomycin sulfate) with a concentration of 1.2 grams / liter and spraying bactericidal at age 20 HST.
b) Spraying fungicides Previcur N (propamocarb hydrochloride) with a concentration of 2-3 ml / liter when the attack has passed the economic threshold.
c) Derasol 500 SC fungicide (carbendazim) with a concentration of 1-2 ml / liter. Stem base attacked smeared with fungicide solution Calixin 750 EC (tridemorph) with a concentration of 5 ml / liter.
8) Other Maintenance
a) Installation of marker
Stakes or sticks of wood or bamboo slats, for propagation can be installed after making pembubunan and finished sterilize garden. Or it can also be installed after the marker seeds are planted, and the seed has issued tendrils sulurnya height is approximately 50 cm. Marker must be made of strong material so it can withstand the weight of the fruit load of approximately 2-3 kg. Marker pushed it into place with a distance of approximately 25 cm from the edge of right and left ridges. More robust marker so again, we can add long bamboo shoots placed in the triangle between the bamboo or wooden crosses, following the line of marker-marker behind.
b) Pruning
Pruning is done in melon plants aim to maintain in accordance with the desired branch. Plant height is an average between point-to-20 to-25 (part of the segment, a branch or a book from the plant). Prune when the air is bright and dry, so that the scar is not attacked mushrooms. When pruning is done every 10 days, which is the earliest cut branches close to the ground and leaving two leaves, and branches that grow and trimmed with leaves 2 leaves. Pruning is stopped, if the height of the plants had reached the branch to-20 or 25.

Pest and Disease Control in Agriculture

Here is an identification of pests, diseases and weeds as well as techniques melon pegendaliannya:

3.1. Pest
1) lice aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover)
Characteristics: These pests have a lymph fluid containing honey and shiny look from a distance. These pests attack the melon plants that exist in the field planting. Aphids are attacking young yellow melon, while the 4dukts have wings and somewhat blackish color. Symptoms: The leaves of the plant curl and shoots of plants being dried leaves are smoked due to fluid pests. Control: (1) weeds must be kept clean so as not to be a host of pests, (2) severely affected plants should be sprayed with insecticides simultaneously Perfekthion 400 EC (dimethoate) with a concentration of 1.0 to 2.0 ml / liter, (3) plants that have been infected with the virus should be removed and burned (destroyed).
2) Thirps (Thirps parvispinus Karny)
This pest attacks the current phase of the seedling to mature plant. Nimfa thirps yellowish and 4dukt thirps blackish brown. Thirps multiply very quickly in parthenogenetic (able to produce offspring although not married). The attack carried out in the dry season. Symptoms: young leaves or new shoots become curly, and bercaknya yellowish; curling and stunted plants and fruit can not form normally. If these symptoms are present to watch out because it has been infected with the virus
brought thirps pest. Control: spray contact denganracun, 3-4 days.
3) Aphids
The area was attacked leaves. As a result, defects or curled leaves. Green, brown, or black soft-bodied insects under the leaves. Black sticky honeydew or sooty mold is sometimes present. The techniques of control by spraying soapy water or spray insecticide Strong. Had to get spray on insect to be effective. Some damage can be tolerated. Ladybug beetles are natural predators.

3.2. Disease
Some of the diseases that attack plants melons as follows:

1) Rotten Fruit

Fruit rot caused by Phytoptora nicotianae B. De haan var parastica (Dast). Attacks in trunk marked with brown spots elongated wetness. Attacks which can cause serious dead plants wilt. Affected leaves like scalded. The attack is characterized by patches of wet fruit that become dark brown and soft. The longer patches shrink and settle. Rotten fruit covered with white fungus collection. Control is done by cutting the leaves or branches to reduce the excessive moisture in the surrounding soil, rotating crops with plants that do not sefamili with melon, and unplugging it and burn the affected plants.

2) Antraknosa,

Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lagenarium (Pass) Ell.Et Halst. Leaves, young stems, flowers and fruit are attacked have cokleat colored splotches of gray to black. These spots gradually curved and united. Plant tissue located under bercakpun rot. Disease control is done by setting the proper spacing (45 x 60 cm, 50 x60 cm, or 60 x 70 cm), soak the seeds with a fungicide made active azoksisitrobin 250 g / l or 70% propineb and clean the parts of dead plants.
3) Hair Dew

Dew fur caused by Psuedoperonospora cubensis Berkeley et Curtis. Symptoms of attack begins with patches of yellow light which is limited by the veins of the leaf so that it seems to be angled spotting. The longer the spots change color to brown. If leaves behind, looks set gray fungus. Control by selecting planting sites distant sefamili plants with melon. Slash and burn the affected leaves. Another way, spray fungicide or mancozeb simoksanil made active.
4) bacterial wilt
Cause: bacteria Erwina tracheiphila E.F.Sm. This disease can be spread by intermediate-oteng oteng leaf beetle (Aulacophora femoralis Motschulsky). Symptoms: leaves and branches wilting and shriveling occurs on leaves, leaf color yellow, dry up and die; wilting plant leaves one at a time, although the color is still green, then wilted plants overall. If the stem is cut crosswise plant will emit white mucus thick and sticky even be drawn like a thread. Control: (1) prior to planting, soil sterilized with Basamid G with a dose of 40 g/m2, (2) seed soak in Agrimyciin bactericide (oxytetracycline and streptomycin sulfate) or Agrept (streptomycin sulfate) with a concentration of 1.2 g / liter; (3) spraying bactericidal at age 20 HST.
5) stem rot disease (gummy stem bligt)
Cause: Fungus Mycophaerekka melonis (Passerini) Chiu et Walker.

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